
Perfect love!       Have you ever thought you do not have enough patience to wait what you want? It is probably you have thought this because we sometimes want to get what we need but we do not have patience to wait. God is wonderful and perfect because He knows what we need and the perfect moment for our needs but we are not patient to wait his decisions.       If you are not a patient person, you should think that God loves you and He knows the reasons and purposes of your situation. God's time is perfect.       We are human beings and we should not matter if we make mistakes, the important thing is you learn and do not do them again.          God gives you a lot blessings every day and you have the pleasure to be his daughter. You are the most important person for him.       If you have a difficult situation, trust in God, pray, and He will help you.  Remember:  Perfect love!      What Bible verses would you recommend us?

Living an interesting life!

Living an interesting life! Have you ever thought that your life is complicated or too busy? Do you enjoy your life? Life can be fun or boring, it depends on the way how you see your life. You have a lot of reasons to be happy because God blesses you every time and minute. Everybody has problems in life because nothing is easy. You have the most important decision because you decide if you want to be happy, sad, busy or stressed every day to face each real-life situation. Attitude is important! Life is so fun, you can do a lot of interesting and fun activities a day to see life is wonderful.  It is probably you feel fear for your future because you do not want to make mistakes.  Are you ready to have an interesting life?   How will you change your life to live an interesting life?